"West Indian Story" will chronicle the lives of two families in a neighbourhood in Trinidad, as characters fall in love, betray each other, redeem themselves and all kinda other bacchanal!
Episode 37: Realisations
Avinash sits alone in the drawing room, thinking about the fight back at the restaurant. He still felt uncomfortable around Ricky but was disturbed at how this hatred had driven him to attack his own family.
He goes to Devika and apologises to her and promises to be nicer to Ricky. Devika accepts.
At the same time, Whitnee has been pondering whether she should bring a man into her household. She had been living alone for so long that it had seemed like a good idea. When the stereo breaks, she calls an repairman.
Even though he is like sixty years old, she pouts her lips at him and tries to seduce him.
The repairman is NOT impressed. "Madam," he says, "Just pay meh for the stereo repair and lemme go meh way. I not dealing up in nunna dat!"
As he drives off, Whitnee thinks about her three children and their three fathers... and how they lied to her and abandoned them. She realised she didn't need a man in her life to be happy, not after all the mess she had put herself through.
She decides to give herself a more professional look.
Failing in school. Failing with women... Bobby decides that his best option is to join a gang. He meets up with them but immediately feels uncomfortable. They give him a gun and tell him to keep it safe.
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I like the self realisation happening here, Avinash realising his irrational attitude towards his sister and her boyfriend. Whitnee,understanding that she just needs to be a comfort to herself, :) Well Bobby, Lord -_-