"West Indian Story" will chronicle the lives of two families in a neighbourhood in Trinidad, as characters fall in love, betray each other, redeem themselves and all kinda other bacchanal!
Episode 16: Older Boys
WARNING: This episode may be disturbing.
Shinelle agrees to go to the park with her friends. They have told her that they have met a group of older boys, some of whom have already dropped out of secondary school. Shinelle feels a sick churning in her stomach as she sees one of the boys kiss her friend, Desiree. But she says nothing.
Shinelle ponders for a moment what boys like these could want with primary school girls. Standard Four girls. She fakes a smile throughout the evening, trying to make actual conversation with the boys but eventually notices that no one had been actually been listening.
She sits on a park bench and one of the boys leans in close to her. She feels his hand reaching across her shoulder, collar bone and down her shirt. She retracts and lets out a yelp. The boy asks if she is stupid.
Shinelle goes to her friend, Desiree, and tells her that she wants to talk to her about something. But Desiree is busy locking lips with the older boy. She takes a second to turn to Shinelle to say, "Go find a man! Stop bothering me!" before going back to making out.
Shinelle walks to the far end of the park. Relieved to be alone, but depressed nonetheless. She sits on the swing and idly rocks it back and forth. She wonders if she did the right thing.
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:( I hate this reality -_- But at least we know it's happening :(