The first night in the new Rooplal house is not an easy one. Though they have finished properly furnishing the house with new appliances and carpet, the family has difficulty adjusting to their new life. Lalchand is shocked when his wife suggests that they sleep in separate beds. He obliges but is very unhappy with the decision.

Meanwhile, Artee shifts about the house with great discomfort and boredom. She finally manages to hook up her old Dell computer and steal the neighbour's Internet to check her Facebook. She has five notifications, all of them Farmville invites. She posts a status, "Ughghghgh this new house sux! need to get out of here!" She spends the next 20 minutes complaining to random people on her Windows Live Messenger before deciding to go out.

She then realises that she does not want to go to the small local nightclub alone, so she ends up just wandering the neighbourhood. She enters a nearby clothes store and makes friends with the cashier, Nadia. She and Nadia hit it right off when they begin discussing the abdominal muscles of several footballers. "Is true, you know," Artee says, "Girls doh care bout football, only footballers." She is happy to have made a new friend.

While walking home, she encounters a fireman named "Aberjeet". They strike up a conversation. Inexplicably, he begins talking to her about quadratics and mathematical equations, possibly as a means to impress her with his intelligence. He also recalls his CXC grades to her but she doesnot care. She does, however, decide to make friends with him in hopes of meeting other sexy firemen in the neighbourhood. She reminds herself of her promiscuous past and shudders for a second as she remembers lying naked with strange men in the backseats of cars.

Meanwhile, Avinash made his way to the local nightclub by himself. He begins ordering drinks like mad at the counter and downing them in one shot. A fair-skinned lady at his side seems impressed. He gives her a drunken smile and sticks his tongue out to simulate cunnilingus. She gets up and leaves. He mutters under his breath, "Fockin lesbian..."
However, she hears him and quickly returns and accosts him. She pats him on the shoulder. He gets up and throws the drink in her face while launching a tirade of insults. He is quickly kicked out of the club.
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